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The European Commission has put forward a strategic vision  »Artificial Intelligence in the European Commission (AI@EC) Communication » to guide how artificial intelligence (AI) is developed and used within its organization. This plan aims to ensure that AI systems used by the Commission are lawful, safe, and trustworthy. Additionally, it is designed to prepare the Commission for implementing the EU AI Act, which is the world’s first comprehensive law on AI.

Here’s what the Commission will do when using or implementing AI:

  • Create clear guidelines for its staff (the people who use, develop, or buy AI systems) on effectively using these systems.
  • Evaluate and categorize AI systems based on their potential risks, using these guidelines.
  • Avoid using AI systems that don’t align with European values or could harm people’s security, safety, health, or rights.
  • Establish structures within the organization to handle its responsibilities regarding AI.

The Commission’s plan for a safe, fair and human-centered digital future

The Communication outlines the Commission’s plan to enhance its Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a way that is safe, fair, and considerate of people. This involves improving internal systems for transparent and ethical AI use. Additionally, the Commission aims to provide support and guidance to other EU public administrations to assist them in adopting and effectively utilizing AI technologies. Moreover, the Commission plans to foster partnerships with innovative startups and GovTech companies, leveraging their expertise and resources to advance the responsible deployment of AI across various sectors and services.

AI Skills for All at the European Commission

The profound changes that AI will bring to our work processes reinforce our commitment to fully digitalize the Commission, a key mission of the Commissioner for Budget and Administration. Digital skills are essential for all staff, regardless of position or age, as they form the foundation of work. AI skills will be integral to this transformation. Embracing new technology is crucial for everyone, and this transition must be inclusive, considering differences in digital literacy and abilities among staff. To support this, the European Commission’s staff will receive targeted training and guidance, including opportunities for reskilling and upskilling.


Read the Communication and discover the European Commission’s strategic vision to foster the internal development and use of lawful, safe and trustworthy AI.