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A popular success, the VR Pavilion, dedicated to virtual reality and original immersive experiences, allows the public to explore a selection of new, narrative and innovative works from the 1st to the 19th of March at the Neumünster Abbey. It offers a unique opportunity to discover content specially designed to take advantage of VR, always daring and original, and awarded among others at the Venice Film Festival or the Tribeca Festival. This is also an experience that the public can extend at home thanks to the VR to Go virtual reality headset rental service.

As part of this 6th edition of the VR Pavilion, Film Fund Luxembourg and Digital Luxembourg are organising the first networking event for professionals from the Luxembourg audiovisual and ICT and digital technologies industries to meet and mingle.

Hear about promising existing collaborations, meet potential partners for your next project, get to know the Luxembourg ecosystem and extend your professional network!

The event will kick off informally with a walking lunch and a visit of the Virtual Reality Pavilion at neimënster, followed by a get-together at Musée national d’histoire naturelle.

This networking event is dedicated to:

  • a professional or company from the audiovisual, animation or games industries working with immersive technology, XR, 3D animation, binaural sound, interactive projects … or just interested in cross-sector collaboration and new technology
  • a company working with immersive technology, using or developing XR solutions, interested in the creative side of XR and animation
  • a public body with employees or a department related to these fields
  • a cultural venue interested in these issues
  • a student from one of Luxembourg’s BTS strands
  • people connected or interested in any other way in the above-mentioned topics

More information here, registrations by email at