Description du contenu de la formation
Type de lien
Organization url Training url Skills Intelligence publication url Further event information url Financing opportunity url Strategy full document url Strategy summary document url Strategy brochure url Skills resource url Skills resource supporting document url Same as url Background information url
Public cible
Compétences numériques pour la main-d’œuvre. Compétences numériques pour les professionnels des TIC et d’autres experts numériques. Compétences numériques dans l’éducation. Compétences numériques pour tous
Technologie numérique / spécialisation
Intelligence artificielle Cybersécurité L’internet des objets Gros volumes de données Chaîne de blocs La robotique Réalité augmentée Réalité virtuelle Calcul à haute performance Apprentissage automatique Informatique en nuage 5G Télécommunications Wi-Fi Calcul quantique Logiciels Développement d’applications mobiles Développement du web Microélectronique Compétences numériques Robotic process automation Edge computing Digital transformation Cyber Skills Academy
Niveau de compétence numérique
De base Intermédiaire Avancé Expert numérique
Portée géographique - Pays
L’Union européenne Autriche Belgique Bulgarie Chypre Roumanie Slovenia Croatie République tchèque Danemark Estonie Finlande France Allemagne Grèce Hongrie Italie Irlande Malte Lettonie Lituanie Luxembourg Pays-Bas Portugal Pologne Suède Espagne Slovaquie Pays tiers Albanie Biélorussie Bosnie-et-Herzégovine Canada Islande Israël Japon Le Kosovo Le Monténégro Maroc Macédoine du Nord Norvège Serbie Suisse Corée du Sud Russie Tunisie Turquie Ukraine Royaume-Uni ÉTATS-UNIS
Industrie - Domaine de l'éducation et de la formation
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined Basic programmes and qualifications Literacy and numeracy Personal skills and development Generic programmes and qualifications not elsewhere classified Education not further defined Education science Training for pre-school teachers Teacher training without subject specialisation Teacher training with subject specialisation Education not elsewhere classified Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education Arts and humanities not further defined Arts not further defined Audio-visual techniques and media production Fashion, interior and industrial design Fine arts Handicrafts Music and performing arts Arts not elsewhere classified Humanities (except languages) not further defined Religion and theology History and archaeology Philosophy and ethics Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities Humanities (except languages) not elsewhere classified Languages not further defined Language acquisition Literature and linguistics Languages not elsewhere classified Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities Arts and humanities not elsewhere classified Social sciences, journalism and information not further defined Social and behavioural sciences not further defined Economics Political sciences and civics Psychology Sociology and cultural studies Social and behavioural sciences not elsewhere classified Journalism and information not further defined Journalism and reporting Library, information and archival studies Journalism and information not elsewhere classified Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social sciences, journalism and information Social sciences, journalism and information not elsewhere classified Business, administration and law not further defined Business and administration not further defined Accounting and taxation Finance, banking and insurance Management and administration Marketing and advertising Secretarial and office work Wholesale and retail sales Work skills Business and administration not elsewhere classified Law Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law Business, administration and law not elsewhere classified Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not further defined Biological and related sciences not further defined Biology Biochemistry Biological and related sciences not elsewhere classified Environment not further defined Environmental sciences Natural environments and wildlife Environment not elsewhere classified Physical sciences not further defined Chemistry Earth sciences Physics Physical sciences not elsewhere classified Mathematics and statistics not further defined Mathematics Statistics Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not elsewhere classified Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined Computer use Database and network design and administration Software and applications development and analysis Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Engineering, manufacturing and construction not further defined Engineering and engineering trades not further defined Chemical engineering and processes Environmental protection technology Electricity and energy Electronics and automation Mechanics and metal trades Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft Engineering and engineering trades not elsewhere classified Manufacturing and processing not further defined Food processing Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather) Mining and extraction Manufacturing and processing not elsewhere classified Architecture and construction not further defined Architecture and town planning Building and civil engineering Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction Engineering, manufacturing and construction not elsewhere classified Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not further defined Agriculture not further defined Crop and livestock production Horticulture Agriculture not elsewhere classified Forestry Fisheries Veterinary Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not elsewhere classified Health and welfare not further defined Health not further defined Dental studies Medicine Nursing and midwifery Medical diagnostic and treatment technology Therapy and rehabilitation Pharmacy Traditional and complementary medicine and therapy Health not elsewhere classified Welfare not further defined Care of the elderly and of disabled adults Child care and youth services Social work and counselling Welfare not elsewhere classified Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving health and welfare Health and welfare not elsewhere classified Services not further defined Personal services not further defined Domestic services Hair and beauty services Hotel, restaurants and catering Sports Travel, tourism and leisure Personal services not elsewhere classified Hygiene and occupational health services not further defined Community sanitation Occupational health and safety Hygiene and occupational health services not elsewhere classified Security services not further defined Military and defence Protection of persons and property Security services not elsewhere classified Transport services Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services Services not elsewhere classified Field unknown
Langue cible
Bulgare Croate Tchèque Danois Néerlandais Anglais Estonienne Finlandaise Français Allemand Grec Hongrois Irlandais Italien Lettone Lituanienne Luxembourgish Maltaise Polonais Portugais Roumain Slovaque Slovène Espagnol Suédois
Type d'initiative
Initiative institutionnelle de l’UE Initiative nationale Initiative régionale Initiative locale Initiative internationale
Groupe cible
Hauts résultats Orateurs non indigènes Personnes nécessitant une reconversion professionnelle Personnes dans l’enseignement supérieur (CEC 6) Personnes ayant terminé leurs études primaires Personnes de l’enseignement secondaire/obligatoire Titulaires d’un diplôme de l’enseignement supérieur (CEC 7) Personnes de l’enseignement primaire Personnes ayant une expérience professionnelle de 0 à 3 ans Titulaires d’un diplôme de l’enseignement supérieur (CEC 8) Titulaires d’un diplôme de l’enseignement secondaire obligatoire Personnes dans l’enseignement supérieur (CEC 7) Personnes dans l’enseignement supérieur (CEC 8) Les migrants Personnes ayant une expérience professionnelle de 3 à 10 ans Personnes ayant plus de 10 ans d’expérience professionnelle Personnes souffrant d’un handicap d’apprentissage Locuteurs natifs Titulaires d’un diplôme de l’enseignement supérieur (CEC 6) Résultats médiocres
Typologie des opportunités de formation
Cours Module du programme Mentorat MOOC Apprentissage; Visite d’étude Programme d’apprentissage de courte durée Stage Programme éducatif Classe Apprentissage de service Thèse
Activité d'apprentissage
cours de laboratoire/simulation/pratique expérience professionnelle volontariat recherche étude automotivée cours d’apprentissage en ligne stage apprentissage; atelier, séminaire ou conférence programme éducatif cours de classe
Type d'évaluation
Basé sur le travail Basé sur un projet Classroom based En ligne Mélangées Recherche basée sur la Lab
Durée de la formation
Jusqu’à 1 semaine Jusqu’à 4 semaines Jusqu’à 3 mois Jusqu’à 6 mois Jusqu’à un an Plusieurs années
Type d'enregistrement de la formation
Offre unique Base de données
Éclairage à temps partiel Temps plein Travail intensif à temps partiel
Certificat offert
Action d’apprentissage Qualification award Diploma supplement Learning entitlement Générique