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The digitalisation of organisations, the growing commitment to sustainable development and the arrival on the job market of Generation Z are increasingly prompting companies to rethink their strategies and innovate. This generation, which challenges the business world and society at large, reflects an era of deep transformation.

What is the Digital Challenge?

CARE Luxembourg and IMS Luxembourg present the Digital Challenge project, which offers companies the opportunity to host and collaborate with young people during a unique immersion day. The Digital Challenge immersion day offers the opportunity for companies and young people to meet in teams to respond to a challenge, related to digitalisation, evolution of digital skills and sustainable development.

Young people can thus multiply the exchanges with the company and deepen their digital knowledge and skills in a professional context. The companies themselves have time for meaningful exchanges to better understand the interactions and collaborations with the new generations and thus adapt to them.

IMS Luxembourg has created educational tools to help companies find and formalize their challenge, but also a whole activity and tools for young people to solve the challenge on D-Day.

Who can participate?

Regardless of gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, all young people can participate in Digital Challenge. The project makes a point of representing the whole gender spectrum in its ambassadors. Regardless of their gender expression or identity, everyone can participate in the project. Selections are made entirely on the basis of the motivation of the participants. Students and companies are also given the opportunity to tell the organisers about their particular needs so that they could adapt tools and events accordingly.

All companies in Luxembourg can register. This means that different sectors and areas of activity in Luxembourg will be represented.

How does it work?

Each company is free to host as many young people as wishes within the company. As the Digital Challenge is a group challenge, companies should welcome between 2 and 5 young people per challenge. However, companies need to ensure that they are welcomed in the best possible conditions (one employee per team). The young people come to find out about the company, how it works and to understand the environment in which the employees operate, with the aim of finding an innovative solution to an identified problem. Companies can offer students presentations, workshops, etc.

A week before the big day, registered students will receive an e-mail with more information about the challenge they have chosen (background information about the company, supporting documents, history, etc.). Together with their group, they will be invited to start thinking about the challenge set by the company.

On the day, students will be welcomed into the company during normal working hours (for example from 8am to 5pm with a lunch break). The timetable can be adapted to suit the company or profession concerned. The company is free to offer the youth different activities.

Afterwards, a closing session will be organised. During this session, some of the groups will be able to present their solutions and the companies will be able to give feedback on their ideas at the same time.

The Digital Challenge in Numbers:

  • 1 awareness-raising event for the education sector,
  • 4 workshops
  • 1 closing meeting
  • 23 organisations have signed up
  • 24 challenges were proposed in 2022
  • 37 teams of young people were welcomed in 2022
  • In total, nearly 160 young people participated in 2022

This initiative will be back in 2023 thanks to financial support from the Maison de l’Orientation (Ministry of National Education) in partnership with the Chambre des Métiers and the SOMMER Foundation and will go deeper by involving cultural and artistic institutions, which also have issues related to digital. The Digital Challenge will take place on 25th October 2023.