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On 22 October 2021 the European Commission published a press release summarising the outcomes of the pledges made to the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, an EU-wide community supported by the Commission that works to close the digital skills gap. With more than 200 pledges already committed since the first pledge in 2016, the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition has reached a new milestone, bringing on board 170 organisations, all of whom take action to boost digital skills in Europe.

Pledge outcomes: a new milestone

Pledges to the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition have now reached more than 20 million beneficiaries from all around Europe. The 200+ pledges have provided more than 11 million training places. More than 4.5 million Europeans were issued digital skills certificates, opening up new opportunities for up- and re-skilling. The pledges enabled the creation of 26.600 digital skills placements. More than 39.000 jobs vacancies were matchedClose to 800 new courses and training opportunities were also developed. 

These actions have had a profound impact in helping people make the best out of the digital transition – whether they are looking for a new job, want to start (or scale up) a company, access new opportunities, or connect with family members.

Tackling the skills gap in the Digital Decade


More and more organisations across the EU (SMEs, training providers, universities, business associations, NGOs, corporates, etc.) are joining the Coalition, making a pledge to contribute to closing the digital skills gap and equipping Europeans with basic and advanced digital skills. The 170+ organisations already engaged in the initiative have inspired the creation of a whole community.

Today, the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition comprises of more than 600 members, who launch concrete initiatives to bridge the digital divide and reach the targets of the Digital Decade and the policy programme ‘Path to the Digital Decade’ – reaching 20 million ICT specialists in the EU by 2030 and equipping 80% of Europeans with at least basic digital skills. 

Join the Digital Skills & Jobs Coalition: make a pledge

Anyone is welcome to join the Coalition, become a member, and help shape a common and inclusive digital future. On Member State level, National Coalitions for Digital Skills and Jobs address country-specific challenges with digital skills. National Coalitions for Digital Skills and Jobs bring together partners from virtually all sectors: education, business, non-profit, civil society, public administration, ICT, and social organisations.

The Pledge Viewer tool of the Coalition also hosts the Digital Volunteers Pilot Programme too, with 30 pledges already accepted and displayed. The Digital Volunteers programme will see large EU organisations support SMEs with mentorship, guidance, and resources on the digital transformation.