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Check out all the latest news on digital skills and jobs in Luxembourg and Europe!

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Get to know the Jury of the European Digital Skills Awards 2024!

  The 2024 European Digital Skills Awards wrapped up last week with an official ceremony announcing the winners. Five projects from around Europe bring back the trophy for best practices in the five awards categories. Discover the winners of the European Digital Skills Awards 2024! But who had the challenging task of selecting the winners? …

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Who are the winners of the European Digital Skills Awards 2024?

The wait is over! The winners of the European Digital Skills Awards 2024 have been announced: 5 projects from around Europe bring back the trophy for best practices in the 5 awards categories. On 4 July evening in Brussels, during the EDSA24 awards ceremony, Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak, Head of Unit ‘Interactive technologies, Digital for Culture and …

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Commission launches stakeholder consultation on the Digital Europe Programme

On 27 June 2024, the European Commission started a 12-week open consultation to gather input on the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL).  About the consultation This consultation aims to understand the needs of various stakeholders regarding digital transformation, explore the benefits of DIGITAL, and identify potential improvements. The consultation targets broad stakeholder groups including small and …

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A new milestone for the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition: 200 pledges, millions of beneficiaries

On 22 October 2021 the European Commission published a press release summarising the outcomes of the pledges made to the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, an EU-wide community supported by the Commission that works to close the digital skills gap. With more than 200 pledges already committed since the first pledge in 2016, the Digital Skills and …

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Promotion de l’enquête auprès des utilisateurs: "Nous voulons vous entendre rom! Votre voix, notre avenir: shape de Platform aujourd'hui!"

Help us shape the future of the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform! Take part in our new user survey!

We are excited to announce the launch of our user survey, and we need your valuable input to make the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform better than ever! Your experience and satisfaction are at the heart of what we do, and your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance our services to meet your needs …

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A vector illustration resembling a puzzle of people working with technology on light blue background.

Bridging the Digital Skill Gaps in Europe: Wake Up Call for a Future-Oriented Approach to Competence Management

As the world rushes towards an increasingly digital future, the disparity between the skills required by modern industries and those possessed by the workforce is widening. This phenomenon, known as the digital skill gap, is a critical challenge for businesses, educational institutions, and governments alike. Addressing this gap requires not only a rethinking of traditional …

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A banner with the logo of the European Commission and the DSJP. On the left side, an illustration with people working with the internet. On the right side, a blue-white banner with text. Text reads: "Tackling skills shortages in the EU"

As EU Year of Skills wraps up, Commission sets out an action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages

Labour and skills shortages are on the rise in all EU Member States, and improving labour market participation is at the very heart of solving this problem. Despite advances in overall EU employment rate, skills gaps are apparent. This is especially the case for disadvantaged groups like refugees and migrants, women, and young people. Notably, …

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All the finalists of the European Digital Skills Awards 2024!

It’s time to discover all the finalists for the 2024 edition of the European Digital Skills Awards! With 267 applications received across five categories, EDSA24 highlights the amazing work of many organizations across Europe to improve digital skills for everyone. From teaching basic digital skills to tackling digital upskilling in all job sectors and education, …

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Visuel de promotion de la Cyber Skills Academy avec un sous-titre «La réponse de l’UE au déficit de talents en matière de cybersécurité»

EU faces growing cybersecurity skills gap, new Eurobarometer reveals

A newly published Eurobarometer survey highlights the growing shortage of cybersecurity skills across the European Union, calling for immediate action to boost the number of cybersecurity specialists and heighten cybersecurity awareness among staff in companies across the EU. The survey aligns with recent findings from a foresight report by the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), …

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Our 5 tips to improve your digital skills this summer

Summer is no longer just round the corner, as if the recent heatwave in Europe did not serve as a reminder of this. Scorching temperatures made the headlines in virtually all EU Member States, highlighting the need for urgent action and full mobilisation of green and digital solutions. So how can we make sure new …

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Une bannière verte avec une illustration d'une jeune femme diplômée en technologie. Le texte à côté de l'illustration se lit comme suit: «La Semaine européenne de la jeunesse donne le coup d’envoi et promet une Europe plus forte d’ici à 2030»

#EUYouthWeek 2024 kicks off, promising a stronger Europe by 2030

Get ready for the 2024 edition of the European Youth Week (EYW), a bi-annual event organised by the European Commission to promote youth engagement and active citizenship! The EYW campaign encourages youth engagement in decision-making, fosters dialogue between young people and policymakers, and ultimately, brings to light the talents and projects of young Europeans.  This …

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From the digital divide to a technological future: how Vodafone supports young professionals

Vodafone is committed to bridging the digital divide by providing essential digital skills, especially for young people and vulnerable people. In Europe, a significant share of the population lacks basic digital skills, and in Africa, a strong demand for digital skills is expected by 2030. To fill this gap, Vodafone offers training and mentoring programmes, …

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