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Find now the DigiCompEdu translated into English!

In an era where technology plays a major role in our daily lives, digital education is becoming increasingly essential. It is in this context that DigiCompEdu, a European reference framework for the development of educators’ digital skills, is now being created in French for French-speaking countries.

The DigiCompEdu, developed by the European Commission, is a digital skills framework that aims to provide a common basis for learning, teaching and assessing digital skills. It is designed for educators, trainers, policy makers and other education stakeholders to help them effectively integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) into their teaching practices. This reference framework is addressed to educators at all levels of education, from early childhood through general and vocational education, special education and non-formal learning contexts, to higher education and adult education.

Luxembourg, as a country resolutely focused on innovation and new technologies, recognises the importance of preparing its citizens for the challenges and opportunities of the digital society. By adopting DigiCompEdu, with extensive outreach thanks to its translation into French, the country is strengthening its commitment to inclusive education adapted to the needs of the 21st century.