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On Wednesday 22 August 2024, the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Luxembourg organised a webinar with a special guest from the Luxembourg Media and Digital Design Centre (LMDDC). The LMDDC is committed to improving digital skills through innovative tools and promoting collaboration between key players in Luxembourg, but also in Europe.

Thibaud Latour, Director of this public non-profit organisation, pointed out that many of the LMDDC's digital tools and resources are made available to the public as part of its commitment to public service. These tools are designed to be accessible to educators and organisations involved in the development of digital skills. Access to these resources is free of charge, in line with the LMDDC’s mission to democratise access to digital learning resources.

The LMDDC also presented its customized solutions and services tailored to the specific needs of organizations.

The webinar highlighted the openness of the LMDDC to collaboration on transnational projects, including initiatives such asErasmus, INTERREG and Horizon Europe. This willingness to engage in European projects stems from the desire to acquire and share experiences beyond Luxembourg. By participating in these initiatives, the LMDDC aims to contribute to and benefit from a wider exchange of knowledge and innovation in the field of digital learning.

It is therefore easy to understand that the main objective of the LMDDC is to support the digital education community. The organisation invited organisations working in the field of digital skills development to publish their activities on its platform. This initiative aims to increase visibility and foster better communication within the digital education community, in order to improve opportunities for collaboration.

At the end of the webinar, Thibaud Latour announced the upcoming launch of Skilltech Tools. These tools should provide strategic guidance and professional development, thus enriching the digital education landscape. The LMDDC will participate in the Libre Office and Open Source 2024 conference, which will take place from 10 to 12 October in Luxembourg, where it will present its latest innovations in open source digital learning solutions.

For those who were unable to join the webinar, you can watch the replay now! (Webinarin English)