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The 4th Call for proposals under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) is now published! Discover the new calls under the Work Programme 2023-2024 to support Advanced Digital Skills and apply from May 11.

The new Work Programme 2023-24 recently adopted by the European Commission allocated €909.5 million aiming to reinforce the EU’s critical digital capacities by focusing on key areas such as climate and environment protection technology, data, AI, cloud, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and deployment for the best use of these technologies.

In particular, in order to fill the significant shortage of sector specialists using advanced digital technologies and ICT specialists, it is necessary to increase the pool of pupils who would be ultimately interested to study STEM and ICT, with a special focus on girls and women who are vastly underrepresented in the digital field. Also, the share of students choosing ICT and notably semiconductors disciplines is too low to satisfy the demand required by the labour market.

New calls to support Advanced Digital Skills

For this reason, two new calls have been now published to support Advanced Digital Skills, focusing on the shortage of sector specialists using advanced digital technologies and ICT specialists, and especially on girls and women and semiconductors disciplines:

  • The first call aims to Boost Digital Skills of young pupils (in particular girls): the aim of this call is to pilot actions to increase the number of students pursuing digital studies and careers, with a special focus on increasing participation of girls. The call will support joint actions between leading technical higher education institutions, businesses and schools to promote digital studies.
  • The second call aims to Reinforce skills in semiconductors: the main aim of this call will be to define a platform among Vocational and Educational Training (VET) centres and to develop a European Semiconductors Skills Academy: a European network of higher education institutions and relevant industries, including start-ups and SMEs in microelectronics, to address the shortage of semiconductors specialists

Check out more information about the new calls in the Funding and Tender Portal of the European Union.

Save the date! Info day on the new call for proposals on 2 June 2023!

The Digital Skills & Jobs Platform, after the success of the previous editions, is organising a new Info Day event on 2 June 2023 about the new calls, where the calls will be presented in detail and participants will be able to ask any questions they may have.

Stay tuned on the Platform and on the DIGITAL Europe Programme dedicated page to know more about the programme of the event!

The submission of applications will open on 11 May 2023 and close on 26 September 2023 at 17:00 Brussels time.