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EU Code Week was launched on Saturday, 7 October. Then, on Monday 9 October, from 17: 00 until 19: 00 Greek time, a live event will take place with speakers from the field of education and advanced digital skills, who will share their knowledge of the importance of coding and connect live with schools that stand out for their educational actions in the field of coding.

Code Week aims to encourage young people to engage in programming and pursue a career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

There is a significant shortage of specialists in advanced digital technologies, while IT specialists as well as girls and women are under-represented in the EU digital sector. The EU has set the target for at least 80 % of people aged 16-74 to acquire basic digital skills. As the first report on the state of the Digital Decadereveals, without significant breakthroughs, the EU will be significantly left behind, and only 59 % of the population will have basic digital skills by 2030. Therefore, more needs to be done to achieve the objective set by the EU.

This year, 11th European Code Week, will take place from 7 to 22 October. Participation is open to all, and free materials are available in 29 languages to organisers of activities, such as teachers, and an interactive map of activities per region.

For more information:

Republication of a European Commission press release