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Following the publication of the new issue of Silicon Luxembourg magazine, startup founders, industry players and stakeholders came together to discuss the state of cybersecurity. Taking place in Silversquare Liberté, the post-work discussion entitled ‘The State of Cybersecurity’ was attended by five speakers to discuss two key cybersecurity topics.

On the one hand, Christophe Bianco, co-founder and managing partner of Excellence Services, and Dr Jean Lancrenon, project manager in the Digital Trust Department of ILNAS, discussed how resources and knowledge influence the preparation of start-ups and SMEs to face cybersecurity challenges.

Although lack of resources is often touted as one of the main obstacles to implementing cybersecurity, the two experts agreed that many companies are already failing to implement the simplest and cheapest solutions.

“Cybersecurity does not need to be a complicated science”, said Christophe Bianco, adding that a robust password manager and awareness sessions with employees would go a long way towards improving companies’ cybersecurity preparedness.

Be better protected than your neighbour: In the second panel, Remy Bertot, founder and technical director of Passbolt, François Thill, director of cybersecurity at the Ministry of Economy and representative of Women Cyber Force, and Dr Andreas Crauser, senior data and information security consultant at DURY Consult, discussed best practices for startups and the impact AI would have on the industry.

Although AI is on everyone’s lips, it does not seem to have captured the cybersecurity industry as much as others. The key for the industry remains the adoption of a security-by-design approach and understanding of the underlying technology.

As for start-ups, they do not need to be protected to be the best protected, they simply need to be better than their competitors, or in the words of Remy Bertot: ‘If you are being chased by a bear, you don’t need to be faster than it, just faster than your neighbour.

Find the full article: [Talk] The State of Cybersecurity by Silicon Luxembourg