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Advanced Digital Skills trainings will be at the centre of the upcoming new Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), an ambitious EU funding programme aimed at bringing digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations.

The focus of DIGITAL is to fuel investments in supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and ensuring a wide use of digital capacities across the economy and society. The programme will boost Europe’s competitiveness and contribute to ensuring technological sovereignty, contributing to attain the targets of the Digital Decade. To enable a successful deployment of these technologies, the EU needs a digitally skilled workforce and an increased digital talent pool. 

This is why, on the total 7.5 billion budget, over 7 years, EUR 580 million are exclusively dedicated to supporting advanced digital skills. Calls will be published in the upcoming weeks to fund the design and delivery of specialised programmes for future experts in key capacity areas like data and AI, cybersecurity, quantum and HPC. 
These calls are aimed at consortia of universities, businesses and excellence centres, with the goal to foster breakthrough innovation and train Europeans to reach the Digital Decade objective of 20 million employed digital experts by 2030.

As DG CNECT Head of Unit Fabrizia Benini said during a first presentation of the call during the Leading the Digital Decade Event earlier this year, “Europe needs to become the world leader in training Data engineers, Quantum scientists and Cybersecurity experts”.

How can I participate?

We will continue to update you on the latest on the DIGITAL programme at this page and on our social media channels. You will find info on the previous projects funded here and by registering to the platform you will be able to find partners and connect with other organisations wishing to apply.

By registering for the Newsletter you will never miss updates and important resources on the subject of your interest. 


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