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On 27 March 2024, Claude Meisch, Minister for National Education, Children and Youth, visited the Digital Learning Hub (DLH) and 42 Luxembourg, located in Esch-Belval. The visit allowed him to attend courses and interact with students and staff from both institutions.

The Digital Learning Hub

The Digital Learning Hub (DLH) has become a reference in the field of digital technology training since its launch in 2022. With 6 000 registrations, 44% of which are women, and 700 courses organised,the DLH offers a diverse range of training courses in programming, blockchain, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, etc. These courses, ranging from individual sessions to full courses, are accessible at all levels and adapted to different profiles, with 56% of participants enrolled in ADEM, 26% of employees in the private sector, and 7% of students.

Faced with the growing demand for IT specialists in Luxembourg, the DLH plays a crucial role in the training of the skilled workforce. Indeed, the IT sector accounts for 42% of declared job vacancies, thus offering significant professional opportunities. The DLH is committed to meeting the needs of the market by offering accurate, short and affordable training.

What is 42 Luxembourg?

42 Luxembourg, managed by the DLH, is a free and innovative programming school, part of the international network 42 founded in Paris in 2013. With a project-based and self-directed curriculum, 42 Luxembourg does not have traditional teachers or courses. Students progress at their own pace through levels of increasing difficulty, with significant personal commitment required. The duration of the training depends on the investment of each individual, with a common core usually completed in 8 to 18 months.

To join the programme, candidates must go through a trial period called the Pool, which assesses their motivation and determination. The next Pools will take place in July and September 2024.

Following his visit, Minister Claude Meisch praised the success of the digital technology training offered by the DLH and 42 Luxembourg. He stressed the importance of these institutions in maintaining the skills and qualifications of the Luxembourgish workforce and praised the innovative approach of 42 Luxembourg, promoting autonomous learning and problem-solving.

In short, DLH and 42 Luxembourg are actively contributing to Luxembourg’s digital transformation by training a skilled workforce that is adaptable to the needs of the labour market.

Article from the Press Release of the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth