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The Digital Learning Hub (DLH) is celebrating its second anniversary with over 6,000 registrations. In response to the growing demand for digital skills, the DLH, created by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, is launching two trials for its free programming school in July and organising a conference on AI in June.

The DLH manages 42 Luxembourg, a free programming school which registered 142 enrolments in February 2024. With an employment rate of 100%, this programme, which is the result of a private establishment launched in Paris and now present in 31 countries, offers intensive training called a ‘pool’. Two of these sessions will take place between 8 July and 2 September 2024.

In two years of existence, the DLH has extended its offer to 270 courses divided into four categories: programming, cybersecurity, blockchain and design thinking. More than half (56%) of those registered are jobseekers registered with the ADEM National Employment Agency, thus benefiting from free courses. The private sector also accounts for a significant share of participants, with 26%, while students account for 7% of enrollments.

With the growing interest in AI, DLH now offers free online courses to improve AI skills. These courses aim to provide a broad understanding of rapidly changing digital tools and prepare current and future employees for changes in the workplace. Three coaching sessions with experienced AI trainers will be offered, followed by an AI conference on 7 June.