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In the ever-changing world of digital innovation, collaboration is essential! Aware of this, the Digital Skills Matchmaking event is back in 2024, ready to facilitate meaningful exchanges and forge mutually beneficial partnerships between companies and impact organisations that focus on digital themes.

A preparation session for the day is planned on 16 May for companies wishing to establish partnerships. As the main event is planned for June, this preliminary meeting is a crucial step, allowing participants to prepare for the upcoming speed meetings, during which connections will be established and collaborations initiated.

But companies are not the only ones to benefit from it. Organizations with a social impact are also invited to participate, with a dedicated session scheduled for May 15. This pre-event session is designed to help these organisations refine their approach and prepare for meetings with potential business partners.

By bringing together such diverse stakeholders, the Digital Skills Matchmaking event aims to foster a culture of collaboration and stimulate collective progress in the digital landscape.

You can also register now for the speed meeting on 26 June at Nexus2050 Luxembourg.