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The Digital Skills & Jobs Platform now hosts a new interactive functionality that will enrich the learning experience of users of the Platform: the Learning Paths. The new feature comes with a series of pre-designed paths in some key emerging technologies – to guide you through the wide educational material on the Platform.

Exciting news for the users of the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform: now, you can access a whole brand new section containing the new Learning Paths! But what are they?

Learning paths are basically guided pathways, or study roadmaps, through the vast amount of educational content available on the website, divided into different levels and topics.

Both Basic and Advanced Learning Paths are now available. They will take you through the most relevant key advanced technologies – cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, web development and the digital transformation. The feature will allow both those who want to explore these topics from the very beginning and those who already have some knowledge and want to be guided along more in-depth and advanced paths.

What makes the paths so special is that you can save them to your user profile – either as a whole or as individual units – and keep track of your progress.

Not only will you be able to save these paths in your user profile – you will also be able to save any educational content (skills resources, skills publications, training offer and learning content) across the Platform in your profile, and build your own learning path!

You still don’t have a profile on the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform? Don’t lose time and register now!

Are you ready to start your new learning experience? 

Dive into the new learning paths and stay tuned on the Platform for more topics and technologies!