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Seeing women work to the forefront of the digital domain is nothing less than inspiration. While the gender gap is still a lot, more and more women are choosing to enter the field of ICT, drive innovation and break glass boundaries.

Today, we have spoken to Iulia Calaras, Technical Lead (or Platform specialist, if you wish) in Publicis Sapient – a leading Bucharest-based IT company, which manages a range of projects. Every day Iulia’s work is different – but this is far from the only aspect that influenced her decision to start a career in technology.

Coding the basics for a career in technology

Interested in what work in digital or IT? Looking at ICT careers? See what had to do with us Iulia.

Iulia, what is a technical lead, and what tasks does it entail?

My current role means taking part in the web development of various projects, but also I have some leadership tasks, such as implementing or designing the project architecture from start to finish, or ensuring compliance with industry standards. There are also some communication skills in the mix: I work within a project team and several clients at the same time, mentoring and training. Each year we take 2-3 apprentices who then coach to the skills they want to acquire. Imagine that my role involves covering virtually all phases of a software project, from the initial analysis to the development and design of a solution, and then maintaining the application. If I have to choose the most fun part, I always choose programming.

How did you get to your current job? What has been studied and how has your way seen so far?

At secondary school, I was specialised in mathematics and computing, which seemed more interesting than other more traditional profiles such as humanities, or scientific ones such as biology or chemistry. In fact I wanted to be an architect, but then I got more interested in the topic. So I was already on that path already, but having good teachers really helped to inspire me. After graduating I applied to go to university in Bucharest (I'm from a smaller city in Romania, Galati).

The option seemed easy: it was the capital so there were simply more opportunities there. I also made a Master’s, where I got some with AI, tried to build a chess algorithm for my Master’s thesis by using that chess game where you have the computer beat. Algorithms are fun: and I had a lot of fun in that area. But somehow along the way, I have always come back to back-end programming.

From the start to a developer

Which sets of skills or knowledge do you see as essential for an ICT career?

I think mathematics is very important for an ICT career, and certainly a key component of programming. I know that it may seem annoying and even awesome for some people, who say “oh why I need to know it?” and I was so well at first. But once it reaches to a certain extent, realise why you had to learn all these different things to be able to programme – somehow they agree all together. The IT part, on the other hand, includes many different fields, such as databases, data structures, algorithms, and various programming languages.

You can also be flexible – once it passes through all this in college, then you can decide to focus on a field you like a lot. And there are tonnes: you can be a database administrator specialist, back-end programmer (like me), or front-end programmer (more creative role). Or you may want to try to be a Business Analyst, studying the needs of the project through a closer lens, or you may want to become a Project Manager with your IT experience.

What study tips for those thinking about a technology career?

If you‘re younger and want to start a career in technology, you must first understand what you’re good for it, and what you want to do the most. Choose a lane, study it for some time, and then build more. Hard work is also important: there is no going around. So, work, study, and take it seriously – at least the mathematical and computing part. The programming language itself does not matter very much: once you lower the basics, it’s like to learn German after English, i.e. you find a similarity. Also, do not be afraid to get a bit technical with hardware part. When I was the fifth degree, I found my first computer and read it. I wanted to look at it, unite it again, see what a floppy disk is, with all the curiosity you can imagine. And currently, with so many resources, the possibilities are truly endless.

Then, if you have already done something else, and are looking to go to technology, there are tons of free online courses, digital platforms that can start learning them. Some of the best on-the-job programmers came from other disciplines, or lack experience in college altogether, but made progress studying alone. Having a pet project is also very important: test it, try to do something on your computer, and go through all parts of the project. Start small: I have this project. I want to make an application. Let’s login, add business criteria, user system. “I want to have an area with a chat” – try to build a chat module or something similar. Work hard, and you can get something.

Is this your recipe for success?

I think a clear recipe for success in any area doesn‘t exist, isn’t it? Something I find interesting is the talent component, and I think I have. Do not think about it in this way: not like drawing a picture or playing an instrument, but there is certainly a degree of creativity and talent, i.e. I find people around me who may struggle a bit more, or have to work harder than others, who simply get things faster.

How did the IT field grow to include more women? Changed?

Surely it is growing. I am 34 years old and I have now been over 10 years working in the field. I did Bachelors and then Masters, and by when I finished college and started working for companies, I think we were 1 or 2 girls for every 10 people – then, a very low percentage. But I can see growth. Now I have many female colleagues in such positions – as coaches, as technical leaders – and many apprentices and younger girls, who is great.

Pave your way

So how can you build your digital history? As Iulia says, start with the basics. Try MOOC, or an open course, such as the famous CS50: Introduction to Computer Science', or check which skills employers project as a trend for the future.

Get more knowledge as well. Check out our deepenings on “Digital Jobs” and “Digital Experts” and learn about the different paths in the field of ICT. Find more exercises, quizzes and other materials of bite-sized learning content to further improve your digital competence. Test your digital skills with our online test to see what you have already taken, and what you still need to improve.

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