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On 17 March 2022, at the start of the 8th Cohesion Forum, the European Commission launched ‘Kohesio’, an online platform which gathers all the information on over 1.5 million projects in the 27 member states, which have been financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Cohesion Fund, and the European Social Fund (ESF) since 2014. For the first time, this comprehensive platform of project data has been created, it is widely accessible and will be available in all EU languages.

Speaking at the launch and pictured, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Eliza Ferreira said, “Thanks to Kohesio, cohesion policy becomes even more open and transparent. With only a few clicks anyone can discover exactly how the EU invests in our regions and cities to foster convergence and economic, social and territorial cohesion.” Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmidt, said, “EU funds can make a real difference for everyone in the EU, and in particular for those who need our support most.”. 

Visitors to the Kohesio platform can find information on all EU funded projects focusing on digital skills and competences across all Member States. Each project listed on the platform has data on the specific details of the project, including project lead, funding information, the theme and intervention field of the project and its beneficiary. Projects can be explored through the various themes on the platform or through the map tool, which shows each EU country, the outermost regions and the projects running in each. Through both the ‘Education and Vocational Training’ and ‘Social Inclusion’ themes, visitors can find relevant information on projects in digital skills and upskilling/reskilling. 

The European Commission will continue to develop the Kohesio platform to include projects from the new programme period 2021 – 2027. In upcoming months, the platform will be available in all EU languages. 

©European Commission 2022, Audiovisual Service