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In the framework of the Luxembourg Internet Days, which took place from the 15th to the 16th of November 2022 at the Chamber of Commerce, a workshop was organised by the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition with the support of Digital Luxembourg.

Around 50 students participated and took part in the discussions with professionals. The objective of this workshop was to encourage young people to express themselves on cyber threats, with a focus on the skills and jobs needed to counter them. Divided into small groups, the exchanges were initiated by professionals, around different themes such as Defense, Mobility/transports, Social Media, Internet of Things (IoT), Industry, Networks/Telecom, Wireless connectivity/5G or Education.

Many thanks to all the facilitators present during this workshop: Loïc Beurlet (BCE), Jakub Jakubiak (independent and 5G consultant), Thomas Schmidt (Cegecom), Melanie Archen (CNFPC), Pierre Gillet (CNFPC), Tanya Endschpill (ICT teacher), Laetitia Georgel (IMS Luxembourg), Jaruwan Mesit (Competence Center), Jérôme Jean (Snowball technology)