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We had the opportunity to offer the partners and members of the DSJC Luxembourg a Belval Digital Tour on 24 November 2022 for the whole morning.

First, the group was warmly welcomed by Serge Linckels for a visit of the Digital Learning Hub and a presentation of the concept of this infrastructure and in particular to the Ecole 42 concept which will open for a first “Piscine” in early 2023.

Afterwards, the AI& Arts Pavillion and its students from the University of Luxembourg presented some of their projects related to artificial intelligence. It was an interactive demonstration that allowed the attendees to interact with a robot, take a portrait to mix it with a piece of art thanks to AI, observe a painting being drawn thanks to the use of music combined with artificial intelligence and many other projects, each more interesting than the other.

Finally, the group was taken to the “In transfer – a new condition” exhibition for an overview of the concept and story of this exhibition.