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Check out all the latest news on digital skills and jobs in Luxembourg and Europe!

Digital Learning Hub Partners With Q-leap For Software Testing Courses

Q-leap has partnered with The Digital Learning Hub (DLH), which is introducing two new courses aimed at individuals and professionals seeking to enhance their software testing skills. Launched in May 2022, DLH represents Luxembourg’s inaugural public training center dedicated exclusively to professional IT training. This initiative, backed by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, …

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Visual for the Digital Skills Overview launching

Launch of new content series on DSJP: digital skills overviews by country

Since its launch in May 2021, the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform has made significant progress in establishing itself as the central hub for digital skills information in Europe, and a home to the European digital skills and jobs community. We have successfully consolidated the latest updates, events, training opportunities, and research on skills and …

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Official launch of “”: Luxembourg’s platform for developing digital skills and talent

The demand for digital skills has never been so high in Europe, and particularly in Luxembourg. A few weeks after the launch of the “European Year of Skills 2023” by European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, the Prime Minister and Minister for Communications and Media, Xavier Bettel, announced the launch of the new platform at a …

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Ecole 42 ‘Piscine’ to be launched in November 2023

Tom Muller, Director of Vocational Education and Training at the Department for Education, has announced that the first ‘Piscine’ will be held in November 2023 and early 2024, with the aim of building up a class by spring 2024. The principle of the ‘Piscine’ is to immerse candidates in coding for 26 days, in order …

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All the finalists of the European Digital Skills Awards 2023

It’s the time to discover all the finalist projects of the 2023 edition of the European Digital Skills Awards! This year’s edition was very popular and we received 330 applications, the highest number since the creation of the Awards in 2016. Also the quality of the applications has been exceptional: so much that it was a …

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Un homme tapant sur un ordinateur autour d'autres écrans

The Power of Public-Private Partnerships in Delivering Digital Skills

A well-known writer once said that “everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it”. The phrasing is humorous – even though the saying itself hints that some challenges are just too big to overcome. For many people, the massive shortage of talent with vital digital technology skills, is seen as exactly that …

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The Future of Jobs Report 2023

The World Economic Forum’s recently published “Future of Jobs Report 2023” sheds light on the imminent changes in the job market and underscores the importance of swift adaptation to actively participate in the transformation. The report emphasises that automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to revolutionize business operations, thereby impacting the workforce and …

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Prix européens des compétences numériques 2023-330

European Digital Skills Awards 2023: 330 applications received!

A total of 330 applications were received for the European Digital Skills Awards 2023 edition. With 93 applications in Digital Skills for Education, 88 in Inclusion in the Digital World, 60 in Digital Upskilling @ Work, 36 in Women in ICT Careers, and 52 in Empowering Youth in Digital, it’s clear that the future of digital …

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Digital Europe Programme: digital transition and cybersecurity at the core of the new work programmes

The European Commission has adopted two multiannual work programmes for the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). The programmes will receive a total of €1.284 billion in funding, out of which €553 million will be available in 2023 to support digital transformation and enhance cybersecurity. The Digital Europe Programme aims to boost Europe’s technological sovereignty and bring …

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4th Call for proposals under DIGITAL Apply from May 11

4th Call for proposals under DIGITAL on Advanced Digital Skills: Apply from May 11!

The 4th Call for proposals under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) is now published! Discover the new calls under the Work Programme 2023-2024 to support Advanced Digital Skills and apply from May 11. The new Work Programme 2023-24 recently adopted by the European Commission allocated €909.5 million aiming to reinforce the EU’s critical digital capacities by focusing on key …

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Auchan Implements Robotic Order Preparation with Exotec’s Skypod Technology

Auchan will soon use robots from the French company Exotec to prepare orders, marking Exotec’s entry into the Luxembourg market with its Skypod technology. In Auchan’s Dudelange warehouse, 37 autonomous robots are currently being installed to climb up to 12 meters high in the racks and autonomously pick and deliver products. Nicolas Gueuzurian, Marketing and …

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A study by the Ministry of Digitalisation in collaboration with LISER to better identify the factors behind the digital divide

The Ministry of Digitalisation has released the results of a study it commissioned from the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER): “Digital Inclusion. An identification of the factors behind the digital divide“. The study, now available online, is one of the 40 initiatives foreseen in the National Plan for Digital Inclusion. The study completes the …

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