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In the tumult of the digital age, a force is emerging, more human than technological: the PowerSkills. These fundamental skills become the engine of success in the world of work. But what really distinguishes these human “superpowers”,and why are they so valuable in a world dominated by technology and AI?

The term "Soft Skills" was initially opposed to "Hard Skills" to differentiate between technical skills essential to a job and more "transversal" skills. However, the word ‘Soft’ is no longer adapted to the nature of those skills. As the world becomes more complex, skills such as communication, creativity, motivation, assertiveness, risk-taking and awareness of cognitive biases become crucial for the prosperity of organisations.

Google’s Aristotle project in 2012 revealed that the success of a team lies in the quality of its social interactions rather than in the individual skills of its members. A climate of trust and psychological security is key to unlocking an organisation’s full potential. Pioneering companies such as Pixar, led by Ed Catmul, have promoted a corporate culture focused on creativity, risk-taking and transparent collaboration, showing the transformative impact of PowerSkills on organisational performance. Gustave Eiffel, architect of the Eiffel Tower, also highlighted innovation, effective communication and collaboration to overcome obstacles and achieve the impossible.

PowerSkills are not just individual assets, but drivers of organizational performance. By investing in developing these skills and creating an environment conducive to collaboration and innovation, companies are shaping the future of their industry.

Microsoft’s Work Trends Index shows that 79% of employees want to quickly integrate AI into their daily work. However, this adoption requires urgent training of employees on PowerSkills such as critical thinking, emotional intelligence and communication with new artificial intelligences.

PowerSkills are becoming crucial in a world where AI is already playing a leading role. Critical thinking, assertiveness and awareness of algorithmic biases are key to making informed decisions. Cognitive and algorithmic biases can compromise the relevance of management decisions, underlining the importance of these skills in a world where AI is ubiquitous.

Development teams must promote AI training on ‘Good Data’ rather than ‘Big Data’ to avoid integrating the injustices and prejudices of the past. PowerSkills, combined with AI and ethics, become the cocktail booster of long-term effectiveness.

In a world where artificial intelligence and automation are evolving rapidly, PowerSkills are the 100% human and ethical essence of this new global revolution. Cultivating creativity, communication, motivation, persuasion, assertiveness and critical thinking will successfully navigate the economy of tomorrow, turn challenges into opportunities and shape a future of prosperity and fairness. In 2024, the alliance between PowerSkills, AI and ethics lies in the secrecy of high-performing teams and the prosperity of organisations.

How to develop PowerSkills?

Drawing on years of experience, Devoteam has created a Powerskills & Management training programme tailored to business challenges, combining theory, best practice sharing and live simulation exercises. More information:

Information from the IT nation article “PowerSkills: The well-kept secret of high-performing teams!