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The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Luxembourg supported by Innovative Initiatives organised a workshop dedicated to “Skills and Jobs” on the 8th of November. As part of the event Luxembourg Internet Days at the Chamber of Commerce, the workshop brought together BTS students, teachers and professionals.

Around 50 BTS and Lycées students participated and took part in the discussions with professionals. The workshop aimed to encourage young people to express their views and reflect on cyber threats in specific areas of activity focusing on the skills and jobs needed to counter them, and which will become increasingly important in the future. Divided into groups, professionals initiated the exchanges around different themes such as Defence, Mobility/transports, Media, Industry/Manufacturing, Finance/Banking or Education.

Many thanks to all the facilitators present during this workshop: Loïc Beurlet (BCE), Arnaud Comein (CFL), Gil Belling (SCRIPT/WorldSkills Luxembourg), Alfred Hamm & Zori Paskaleva (Husky Technologies TM), Yanniss Levron (Change Digital) and Christophe Porquet (Expert in Finance)

And a big thank you also to the teachers and directors of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers and Ecole privée Fieldgen for their interest and for bringing their students to our activity.