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ALTO, a self-assessment tool in the GDPR

The CNPD (National Commission for Data Protection), in partnership with the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity, the National Cyber Security Competence Centre (LHC-NC3), aims to help Luxembourg start-ups and SMEs comply with the GDPR through the ‘dAta Protection compLiance supporT tOolkit’ (ALTO Project) project. The objective of this project is to provide SMEs with a simple, …

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Evaluate the place of disability in companies: discover Handi-Diag, a new self-assessment

IMS Luxembourg is introducing Handi-Diag, a tool designed to assess the inclusivity of companies regarding disability. This initiative is a collaborative effort between IMS Luxembourg, the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, and the European Social Fund. In Luxembourg, “Work and employment” …

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ENISA National Cyber Security Interactive Map

The National Cyber Security Strategies Interactive Map is an online tool developed by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) that provides an overview of national cybersecurity strategies and good examples of implementation from all EU member states, as well as Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. What will you find on the map? The …

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Girls in Digital (GID) is an initiative by WIDE ANDCO and the Luxembourgish Ministry of the Equality, which aims to support young people, and especially girls, to explore the digital opportunities that are opening up every day. GID is an online database, comprising of numerous resources in key disciplines for the future (STEM, AI, coding, …

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OECD – Education & Skills Online Assessment

Education & Skills Online is an assessment tool designed by OECD to provide individual-level results that are linked to the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) measures of literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments. All results are comparable to the measures used in PIAAC and can be benchmarked against the national and international …

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FutureLearn e-learning platform

If you are interested in coding learning and understanding cybersecurity, you can follow FutureLearn online courses. If you want to explore technological trends such as data science and digital marketing, join courses covering the full range, from beginner to advanced, led by top technology experts. A collaboration between professionals from prestigious European universities, these online …

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Assess your digital skills: A new tool from the EU

The use of digital skills has become an integral part of our daily lives. For this reason, the European Digital Skills & Jobs Platform aimed at strengthening digital skills has created the tool “Test your digital skills”. This is a self-assessment test that allows you only in a few minutes to determine your level of …

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Happy Onlife: Game and Toolkit to learn online safety

Happy Onlife has been created by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, it is a very popular peer and media edutainment toolkit promoting safe and responsible uses of ICT among adults and children. Happy Onlife opens a path to empower teachers and parents in actively guiding children to become smarter, responsible, and respectful when …

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