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The AI4Education project represents good practice in educational research and development. By bringing together researchers, professionals and students from various disciplines, it creates an environment conducive to innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers considerable potential to address current challenges in education, revolutionising teaching and learning practices while accelerating progress in this field. However, rapid technological developments also bring their share of risks and challenges, underlining the importance of a thoughtful and measured approach in the use of AI in education.

In this context, the AI4Education project provides a platform for scientific exchange and debate for education specialists and AI researchers. By encouraging an in-depth understanding of the needs and challenges of the educational field, it ensures that technological developments are guided by an informed perspective. In addition, collaboration with an advisory committee composed of international experts enhances the credibility and relevance of the work undertaken under the project.

The AI4Education project allows an in-depth examination of the challenges and opportunities related to the integration of AI in education due to its 48-month duration. This extended period also offers the opportunity to explore different approaches and solutions, while allowing researchers to adapt to technological developments and the changing needs of the education sector.

As part of this project, many activities and publications are proposed:

  • Analysis of cognitive patterns by AI for personalised learning that combines machine learning of graphics with large language models to analyse students’ responses to exams. Its aim is to identify cognitive models of how students understand and process information. The main objective is to use this information for personalised educational strategies, in order to improve learning outcomes by adapting to the distinct cognitive profiles of each student.
  • Chatwise: ChatGPT: an academic tool for high school writing, innovation, skills and education. This activity aims to provide students and teachers with the knowledge to use ChatGPT responsibly and ethically, focusing on the importance of developing effective guidance messages, creating a platform for feedback from students and teachers and organising discussions on the transformative potential of AI in personalised education. (workshops, exhibitions…)
  • The role of AI assistants in teaching core disciplines to understand to what extent Artificial Intelligent Assistants (AIs) help students acquire knowledge and develop skills during the learning process.

The funding of the project by the Department of Informatics demonstrates the institutional commitment to research and development in the field of education. By investing in this project, the University of Luxembourg affirms its support for initiatives to improve educational practices using the latest technological advances. This proactive approach reflects a strategic vision that recognises the growing importance of AI in education and strives to position the university as a leader in this burgeoning field.

By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering dialogue with education stakeholders and receiving institutional financial support, it offers a holistic and thoughtful approach to harnessing the potential of AI in improving educational practices.