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SkillSync is an all-in-one AI-based platform designed to enhance digital skills and learning. It offers personalized course recommendations and identifies relevant training opportunities tailored to the needs of startups, SMEs, corporates, universities, and policymakers. This ensures that users receive comprehensive and customized support for their professional development and skill enhancement. Designed and developed at EIT Health, Skill Sync is a shared achievement of the EIT Community’s AI team, a collaboration between seven Knowledge and Innovation Communities, and has quickly evolved from a concept to a community asset.

About the SkillSync tool

The SkillSync tool is designed to help policymakers, governmental bodies, educators, academic institutions, SMEs, and large corporations in Europe identify existing skills and skill gaps. It recommends courses to help bridge these gaps, fostering innovation. The tool assesses workforce expertise within companies in its database and strategically recommends AI-related educational courses based on various criteria such as subject, provider, location, and duration.

SkillSync includes a comprehensive dataset of over 30,000 course references, including all EIT KIC training portfolios, and more than 5,000 startups, exceeding initial project expectations. Each course and startup profile is generated with a normalized skill set according to the ESCO standard. The tool also features automatic scraping and tagging of new courses and startups, ensuring dynamic updates.

The core engine of SkillSync uses machine learning to identify missing skills for startups or groups of startups (by region or country) and aligns their competencies with target groups that have more advanced characteristics. The algorithm personalizes the recommended skills and selects only the most relevant ones. Additionally, it provides specific training recommendations related to these skills.

About the impact

A Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of the SkillSync tool has been successfully tested through a pilot involving 14 partners from the EIT KIC and AI Communities, including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), corporate organizations, and startups. Fourteen organizations have been supported with tailored upskilling recommendations, and 1,200 professionals have been upskilled in selected courses to boost innovation. The impact has been significant, with an average of 50 employees per organization benefiting from these tailored training recommendations.

The innovation has been launched to the market, and general guidelines for its exploitation have been agreed upon among the EIT KICs participating in the EIT AI Community. As SkillSync’s footprint expands to cover all deep tech domains, its potential for transformative change grows exponentially. Looking ahead, SkillSync envisions a future marked by openness and collaboration, potentially integrating components from external organizations to further enhance its capabilities and reach.

Why is it a good practice?

SkillSync offers a comprehensive approach to skill enhancement with access to 30,000 courses, 1,000 deep tech skills, and insights from 5,000 startups. This extensive resource library ensures users can find relevant training to meet their specific needs. The platform’s use of AI for personalized course recommendations is particularly noteworthy. By tailoring training to individual and organizational requirements, SkillSync maximizes the effectiveness of learning, helping users stay current with technological advancements.

SkillSync supports a diverse range of stakeholders, including startups, SMEs, corporates, universities, and policymakers. This broad applicability enhances its relevance and utility across different sectors, fostering innovation and growth. Additionally, the tool’s ability to automatically update with new courses and startups ensures that the data remains current and useful.

Another strength of SkillSync is its use of the ESCO standard to normalize skill sets. This standardization ensures that skills are assessed consistently, making it easier to identify skill gaps and recommend suitable courses. The platform’s proven impact, demonstrated by a successful pilot involving 14 organizations and the upskilling of 1,200 professionals, underscores its effectiveness. The launch to market and the establishment of exploitation guidelines among EIT KICs highlight its practical value.

To conclude, SkillSync’s combination of comprehensive resources, personalized AI-driven recommendations, dynamic updating, and collaborative development makes it a model for effective skill development in the digital age.