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Why this collaboration?

Educationand lifelong learning are key pillars in the current professional landscape, where digital skills and the ability to adapt to technological developments have become crucial. In this context, WIDE ANDCO, in collaboration with the Digital Learning Hub, has launched a varied learning programme, ‘Around Digital Skills’, to meet these ever-changing needs: courses focused on the development of digital skills with also a focus on reducing gender inequalities in tech professional settings by encouraging women to participate as a priority.

The context in which this initiative was created is one of rapid digital transformation across all business sectors. Technological advances such asartificial intelligence, automation and the Internet of Things (IoT) have radically changed the nature of work and created new skills needs. In such an environment, it is imperative that all individuals can acquire and develop relevant digital skills to remain competitive in the labour market.

The objectives of this training programme

The objectives of these courses offered by WIDE ANDCO in collaboration with the Digital Learning Hub are multiple and ambitious. First, they aim at bridging the gender gap in digital skills by providing practical training tailored to market needs. By offering varied courses covering a wide range of topics, from computer programming to digital project management, digital marketing and cybersecurity, this initiative aims to meet the diverse needs of participants.

The themes discussed in the various workshops include: No Code (with Bubble or Google App Sheet), web development with WordPress, HTML, CSS and Javascript, or the use of artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT) and NFT in the workplace.

In addition, these courses aim to promote a culture of lifelong learning by encouraging professionals to invest in their personal and professional development. By offering flexible and accessible training, both face-to-face and online, the collaboration between these two entities makes learning more accessible to more people, regardless of their schedule, skills or geographical constraints.

The impact of this programme

The impact of these prices in Luxembourg has been significant. By providing relevant and up-to-date digital skills, these courses have helped address gender inequalities in the national and international labour market. Many participants were able to put into practice the knowledge acquired during these courses to improve their professional performance, change careers or start their own businesses. WIDE ANDCO ends its winter semester (January and February 2024) with 57 participants in the 7 training sessions organised in collaboration with the DLH.

Finally, this initiative represents good practice in education and vocational training for several reasons. First, it proactively responds to women’s demand for digital skills, offering relevant and up-to-date training. In addition, by adopting a flexible and accessible approach to learning, this initiative promotes inclusion and diversity by enabling a wide range of people to benefit from such training, regardless of their level of education or previous professional experience.

The next session(s)

  • Digital Product Management, 24 and 25 June 2024: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of product management in different industries as well as the role and career of a product manager. They will learn about real-life case studies of technology companies, apply this knowledge in two role-playing games, experiment with the process of translating ideas from conceptualisation to the development of wireframes with a guided framework based on design thinking and using tools such as Balsamiq.