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Initiated in 2021 at the University of Luxembourg, the Master in Data Science conferred its inaugural diplomas upon a cohort of 14 recent graduates. Rooted in a multidisciplinary framework, the program explores diverse facets of Data Science, including mathematical statistics, statistical learning, programming, modelling, data management, and beyond. The primary objective is to furnish a comprehensive education in this field, empowering graduates to adeptly address emerging challenges stemming from the digital transformation of our societies.

This program extensively explores the mathematical foundations of data science, equipping students with a solid scientific knowledge base. This groundwork not only allows them to adapt to evolving advancements in the field but also provides a comprehensive overview of data science applications across various disciplines like life sciences, actuarial sciences, and economics.

The Master in Data Science was strategically developed to meet the growing demand for data scientists in Luxembourg and Europe. Presently, all graduates from the program are embarking on diverse career paths as data analysts, data engineers, data scientists, and research assistants, contributing to various sectors both locally and internationally.