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A 2024 training offer to meet the new skills & talents challenges

The House of Training presented its new 2024 training offer in the presence of its partners, trainers and the members of its renewed Board of Directors at an evening dedicated to training. Companies face multiple challenges against a backdrop of dual transition, both ecological and digital, and faced with the transformation of professions and a persistent talent shortage. The skills needed to sustain and develop their businesses are changing, across all professional profiles and sectors. The need to upgrade skills is constant, and technological developments are not standing still but are happening faster and faster.

On Thursday 19 October, the brand new House of Training presented its 2024 range of more than 1,300 courses in 21 areas of activity, reflecting the country’s various economic sectors. For this new edition of the range, particular emphasis has been placed on the areas of Business and Marketing & Communication. In addition, thanks to integrating the new digital platform, the range of blended learning courses for the banking sector has been extended.

Muriel Morbé, CEO of the House of Training, also pointed out that the House of Training’s efforts support the objectives set out by the European Commission, which has declared 2023 to be the European Year of Skills, in order to strengthen access to continuing training and promote a skills-based approach with a resolute focus on upskilling, reskilling and lifelong learning.

Full article available on the website of the House of Training.