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Check out all the latest news on digital skills and jobs in Luxembourg and Europe!
#EU institutional initiative
The European Cybersecurity Competence Framework (ECSF) provides an open tool to build a common understanding of cybersecurity professional profiles in Europe and common matches with the appropriate skills required. In Luxembourg, a growing cybersecurity market requires a skilled workforce to respond to the growing challenges of the cyber threat. In this context, the ECSF summarises …
Code Club Luxembourg celebrates its 10th anniversary
Code Club Luxembourg celebrated its 10th anniversary with a family event, the “Coding Goûter” at Technoport de Belval, on Sunday 15 October 2023, from 2pm to 5pm. At this multilingual event, around 100 children aged 6 to 12 and their families can discover computer programming in a fun and entertaining way. The objective of this …
Call for experts – “Skills and jobs” workshop at the Luxembourg Internet Days
As part of the Luxembourg Internet Days from 7 to 8 November, the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, with Innovative Initiatives’ support, invites BTS students to join a workshop. The aim is to encourage young people to address the conference’s key topics (IT, OT, IoT, IIoT) with a focus on skills and professions in these …
The European DIGITAL SME Alliance invites SMEs to apply to the DIGITAL SME awards that will recognise solutions and initiatives having a positive impact on three main areas: Digital skills category: It celebrates exceptional projects, stories, and initiatives that promote digital skills in Europe. Some of the examples include education and training on digital skills, digital …
The new interactive publication Digital in Europe provides insights into the evolving digital environment across Europe. It paints a picture of how digitalisation is transforming our lives and shaping our future. The publication is divided into three sections: digital transformation, people online and businesses online. The publication brings together all the headline indicators published in …
Digital Skills Matchmaking – Follow-up of the partnerships
The Digital Skills Matchmaking of this Summer at ICT Spring provided a chance for businesses and associations to discover potential partnership opportunities. As a result, 36 partnership intentions were established through the event. Beginning on October 13, 2023, IMS is conducting workshops and offering one-on-one support sessions to assist these partners in shaping and organising …
ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) is the European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences and Occupations. It functions as a reference guide, defining and categorizing job roles and skills essential for the EU job market and education sector. In anticipation of the upcoming ESCO major version (v1.2) in May 2024, the European Commission is seeking …
EU Code Week 2023 encourages young people to acquire digital skills
EU Code Week was launched on Saturday, 7 October. Then, on Monday 9 October, from 17: 00 until 19: 00 Greek time, a live event will take place with speakers from the field of education and advanced digital skills, who will share their knowledge of the importance of coding and connect live with schools that …
Luxembourg and Korean SK Telecom to exchange on quantum expertise
On October 4th, a meeting took place between Prime Minister and Minister for Communications and Media, Xavier Bettel, and Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, and Young Sang Ryu, President and CEO of SK Telecom (SKT), to explore potential collaborations in this domain. SKT is currently working on the establishment of South Korea’s inaugural nationwide …
2023 European Cybersecurity Month: Be Smarter than a Hacker
Each year, for the entire month of October, the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) shines a spotlight, illuminating the path towards digital security. This dedicative initiative campaign aims to promote awareness among citizens of cyber threats and ways to counter them, to change their perception of cyber threats, and to provide up-to-date information on cyber protection and cybersecurity. …
European Year of Skills: Survey highlights skills shortages in SMEs
SMEs are currently grappling with a major challenge – finding the right talent with the right skills. Skills mismatches and shortages are not just a local issue, but a continent-wide concern for the European Union. In May 2023, the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, on behalf of the European Commission launched the Flash …
On 27 September 2023, the European Commission published the first report on the State of the Digital Decade. The new report is the first of a series of annual reports – and a call to Member States for collective actions to address the current investment gaps, accelerate digital transformation in Europe and intensify efforts to …