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The second edition of the National Day of Digital Inclusion will take place on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 from 08:30 to 17:30, at Campus Geesseknäppchen, 40, Boulevard Pierre Dupong / L-1430 Luxembourg

This day is part of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day and is one of the initiatives of the National Action Plan for Digital Inclusion, elaborated by the Ministry of Digitalisation together with a dedicated inter-ministerial working group. It is dedicated to increasing the visibility of digital inclusion actors and initiatives in Luxembourg.

The day’s program will include participatory workshops (limited to 20 places) in the morning in collaboration with actors in the digital inclusion ecosystem.
The second edition of the Interdisciplinary Forum on Digital Inclusion will take place after the workshops (Luxembourg language with simultaneous translation into French). Finally, the afternoon will be dedicated to the Digital Inclusion Fair with stands intended for all citizens, whether they are digitally vulnerable, in contact with people in a situation of digital fragility or interested in this highly topical issue. There will be about twenty booths of actors in digital inclusion and stands of applications and websites (e.g. LuxTrust, MyGuichet, eSanté,…)

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