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The Touchpoints project, Take The Lead, is a series of short-term workshops aimed at providing basic IT and social media skills to search for and apply for jobs in Luxembourg. During the workshop, participants go through step-by-step instructions, using Google Workspaces and social media to search for and apply for a job. The workshop also discusses the issue of application on online job portals in Luxembourg.

Take The Lead is aimed at jobseekers with little or no knowledge about the use of social media, platforms such as Google, LinkedIn and local job portals.

Following a call for projects launched by the Luxembourg Ministry of Digitalisation which received numerous applications and a selection of seven projects, Touchpoints ASBL received the 2023 Digital Inclusion Award for its Take The Lead project. The awards were awarded to the seven winning organisations and companies by S.A.R. the Grand Duke of Luxembourg in the presence of Marc Hansen, Minister for Digitalisation, at the award ceremony held in Luxembourg City on Tuesday 13 June 2023.

Who can participate?

These workshops are aimed at adults of legal working age, jobseekers with little or no knowledge about the use of social media and computers.

Training characteristics

This training programme lasts two hours and is organised in person. The language of instruction/communication is English.
What is necessary to participate in:
Training covers various tools such as Google Workplace Apps (Gmail, Agenda, Drive, Doc, Sheets, Slides, Maps, Meet and Forms), but also social networks such as Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and online job portals in Luxembourg.
Participation is free of charge.

3 sessions are already announced for 2024:

  • 21 February 2024, 09: 30-12: 30
  • 7 March 2024, 09: 30-12: 30
  • 19 June 2024, 09: 30-12: 30

They will take place in Luxembourg, 5 Av. Marie-Thérèse, 2132 Hollerich Luxembourg.

About Touchpoints

Touchpoints Asbl creates opportunities for local and immigrant communities in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to promote harmonious and sustainable coexistence. This association seeks to raise awareness of the richness of cultural diversity and to counter any form of segregation or communitarianism. Through their initiatives, the Touchpoints team promotes intercultural exchanges that transcend social barriers. Since 2016, Touchpoints has also been supporting refugees and third country nationals in setting up a business in Luxembourg. For the association, successful inclusion also depends, and above all, on work – whether it is self-created, employed or voluntary. This is why their efforts are focused on levers influencing the working lives of resident and immigrant people. Based in northern Luxembourg in Weiswampach, the association also supports the economic development of rural areas as a whole.

All points focus on its activities around 3 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals):

  • SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth: Support beneficiaries of international protection (BPI), temporary protection beneficiaries (TPT) and third country nationals in setting up a business in Luxembourg.
  • SDG 4 – Quality education: Work towards the recognition of entrepreneurship training as a lever to activate people far from the labour market.
  • SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities: Raise public awareness of the challenges of micro-entrepreneurship and co-build administrative simplification solutions.