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Check out all the latest news on digital skills and jobs in Luxembourg and Europe!
#International initiative
Discover new Learning Paths on the Digital Skills & Jobs Platform and enrich your learning experience
The Digital Skills & Jobs Platform now hosts a new interactive functionality that will enrich the learning experience of users of the Platform: the Learning Paths. The new feature comes with a series of pre-designed paths in some key emerging technologies – to guide you through the wide educational material on the Platform. Exciting news …
Brave New World in OECD’s 2023 Skills Outlook: a new approach to skills?
Each year, the OECD takes stock of the latest trends in skills, jobs, and global economy in its flagship publication, the OECD Skills Outlook. The 2023 edition of the outlook places digital skills even higher on the global agenda, linking them to economic and social resilience. To have digital skills may well mean to be able to live …
The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and the European video game industry
The report ”Understanding the value of a European video games society” commissioned by DG Communications Networks, Content, and Technology (DG CNECT) of the European Commission and conducted by Ecorys and KEA, delves into the impact of video games on European society. The study examines the economic, social, and cultural contributions of the European video game industry, …
Digital4Business: the perfect ally for SMEs and companies in the digital age.
About Digital4Business In the world of digital technology, the Digital4Business project is the perfect ally for SMEs and companies. Launched in December 2020 and supported by the DIGITAL Europe Programme, this four-year initiative is led by a consortium of 15 partners representing 7 EU countries. The project aims to create a special European Master’s programme aimed at digital upskilling across …
The use of technology in the workplace correlates with social inequality
On Monday 16 October, the Statec published its annual report "Work and Social Cohesion", a 160-page analysis that looks at digitalisation, inequality and the risk of poverty in Luxembourg. These three themes are closely intertwined, and the report highlights the crucial importance of digital skills in the Luxembourg labour market. Digitalisation: A Key Factor Luxembourg …
Survey – Who are the digital helpers in your city?
The Eurocities Digital Divide Task Force is launching a survey to understand the competency profile of workers who are also digital helpers. The task force is committed to reducing digital inequalities in our cities. In order to develop a curriculum and training for digital helpers, based on cities’ experience, the task force would like to …
Digital Challenge is an initiative of IMS Luxembourg and CARE Luxembourg, with the support of the Maison de l’Orientation, the Chambre des Métiers and the Fondation Sommer. On 25 October 2023, the 2023 edition of the Digital Challenge gave young people and businesses an opportunity to look at the challenges they will face in the …
Which European countries have the most digital skills?
New data from Eurostat shows that over half of the people in the European Union had at least basic digital skills in 2021. According to the data, the Netherlands, Finland, and Ireland scored highest while Romania, Bulgaria and Poland had the lowest scores. The World Economic Forum’s EDISON Alliance initiative aims to support 1 billion …
“Skills and Jobs” workshop at the Luxembourg Internet Days
The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Luxembourg supported by Innovative Initiatives organised a workshop dedicated to “Skills and Jobs” on the 8th of November. As part of the event Luxembourg Internet Days at the Chamber of Commerce, the workshop brought together BTS students, teachers and professionals. Around 50 BTS and Lycées students participated and took …
The latest developments of several disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and Big Data drastically alter work practices bringing a paradigm shift in the workplace. Currently in the EU and worldwide there is a shortage in highly skilled ICT professionals (digital experts). It is estimated that by 2030, the number of Information …
New 2024 training offer to develop corporate talent at the House of Training
A 2024 training offer to meet the new skills & talents challenges The House of Training presented its new 2024 training offer in the presence of its partners, trainers and the members of its renewed Board of Directors at an evening dedicated to training. Companies face multiple challenges against a backdrop of dual transition, both …
CoR: European regions can bring EU policy closer citizens’ needs in digitalisation, skills, innovation
The remits of the SEDEC Commission of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) span from culture, employment, skills and social aspects to research, innovation support and technology regulation. Expressing the views of local and regional authorities on EU policy proposals and legislation, the CoR has recently adopted advisory opinions on digital education, the European Skills Agenda, …